

Friday, 25 September 2015



Entire water in the ocean can never sink a ship unless it gets inside. All the pressures of life can never hurt unless we let them in.


Happiness Part II concluded with three searching questions: Question1—What could be the identifiable factors and practical guidelines that empower individuals to be on WIN-WIN Response Mode? Question 2—How to develop the Skill?  Question 3—Will the Skill instill happiness?

These three questions would remain as reference points while developing comprehensive understanding on Skill Building.

Skill Building

My learning evolved  at Doon Youth Center (DYC) over 15 years of hands-on experience.  Interactive Learning  Mode proved amazingly effective in that it allowed each one to work out perspective at own pace.  Benefits—improved communication skills, self confidence, decision-making-ability and learning practice-able Coping Skills.  

Encouraging feedbacks—1) Confident briefing by 20 year old to a visitor—I entered DYC on 24th attempt. Never looked back thereafter.  Before that I returned after climbing the stairs 23 times. 2) An eminent Radiologist reconnected after years despite hectic schedule at Dehradun.   Recalling fond memories  said—‘I can never forget those memorable sessions that helped remove my cobwebs.’ 

Interactive Learning Mode

I still remember the well-thought-thru perspective of a 16 year old —‘Best learning takes place when inputs are processed individually in an interactive format’.  Tasted drug at 8, poor academic profile and absconded from home. Parents had given him up as an emotional wreck when they brought him to DYC. After sharing struggles and perspectives, his attitude changed radically within days.  

The traditional top-down teaching method lends itself to rote learning with extremely low assimilation. This also stifles creative and critical thinking. Few years ago, request for admission of a top grader was rejected by Cambridge University UK for lacking in critical thinking. It was conveyed in as many words to the Head of that Indian School of international standing.   

Recently one 24 year old lady, a volatile thinker, shared painful memories of sexual abuse by grandfather. Advocate of decency in public had no qualms violating the innocence of grandchild in privacy!  Having to touch feet of the abuser was even more painful. He dared to do so as many as 40 times assured of deafening cultural silence! Yet we cling to the absurdities of ‘Indian Culture’ conditioned over centuries!

Disillusioned and disgusted with societal hypocrisies, she questioned the very foundation of culture and relationship! Her rebellious attitude softened as the discussion progressed.  While leaving she appeared more composed. Smiling  ear to ear said—‘I never got answers to my questions earlier.  You explained it so well in simple words.’ To my query ‘did I’,  she replied gleefully—‘Actually you helped me to work it out’. 

These illustrations are pointers to emphasize the effectiveness of  interactive learning to develop response-ability to situations on WIN-WIN Mode.   
Road Map of Life 
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Road map of Skill Building needs to follow contours connecting following Facts of Life:—

1)     Rights and Wrongs are fixed. Please read my blog Healthy Sexuality Part III  Values/Principles

2)     No one is indispensible as death is inevitable event of glorious uncertainty!  

3)     Health and Relationship are the two most crucial facets of life other than God & primary needs. Only Self-effort can ensure quality of either.

4)     As humans, ‘Being’ is more important than ‘Doing’ contrary to the  widespread perception.

5)     We are products of our own choices NOT genes and environment/circumstances.  Please read my blog Happiness Part II      

6)     I know myself best; am my best protector as well as adviser. Most are bewildered when asked Who knows you best?

7)     No one can feel emotionally hurt without one’s own choice. This was well demonstrated by a class 8 student during life skills class.

He whispered to me—“Sir, I will offer this pen and request you to take it. But you should refuse”.

I had no idea what he had in mind. Abiding by his request I repeatedly refused to take it. Turning to the class, he said— “See what has happened. This pen symbolizes abuse. If he doesn’t take it, the ‘abuse’ stays with me only”. 

8)      Every choice has consequences, positive/negative and short/long term.  It is like picking up a stick; one end is Choices and the other Consequences. 

9)     The panacea for empowerment and happiness is Healthy Sexuality—The totality of being a male or female Ethically, Emotionally, Mentally, Relationally, Spiritually, Physically NOT absence of disease or libido. Please read.

10)  Choices should propel towards clearly identified destination—Purpose of Life Part I& II

One needs to process and internalize clear understanding of above stated facts.  Noteworthy feature—SELF is the key determinant in each of them!


These two words are closely associated with skill building. Whether behavior flows out of attitude or vice versa, more often than not, generated animated discussion at DYC. One common comment frequently heard, particularly amongst youth, to describe arrogant/snobbish behavior—‘He/She has an attitude’. This could be the reason for confusion.

However, all discussions at DYC concluded with the consensus—‘Attitude determines Behavior’ and ‘Behavior flows out of Attitude’.
Significance of Behavior  

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Confession.  I have consciously steered away from technicalities and complexities being ill-equipped to do so. Best brains have always conceded how little we know or will ever know of this technological marvel—‘Human Body’.

Brain/Mind Power.  What we have discovered so far is far too little as admitted by neuroscientists. It is an all encompassing miracle, yet we hanker after miracles!!

Why Do Individuals Behave the Way they Do?

Drawing from my experience at ground zero, it is reasonably not possible to codify human behavior. In identical situations, response of two individuals is uniquely different 

Behavior is culmination of real time interplay of intrinsic factors. It  encompasses Choice of Response; verbal/non-verbal or combination of both.  Verbal is 10 percent and non-verbal 90, of which 60 percent is tone/tenor of voice. Source, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R Covey.

In life, almost everyone is behavior-centric from womb to tomb.  ‘First impression is the last impression’ is an oft-repeated caution to those preparing for viva/interview. Behavior is the focal point of intra/inter personal relationship. There lies its significance. 

Therefore, identifying the Factors Influencing  Behavior  assumes importance

Quick Survey

People of different gender, age & status were asked—What are the Factors that Influence Behavior?

Initial struggle to respond was palpable. Understandably so, as we grow up under protective wings of helicopter parents and ventriloquist elders. They are forever ready to answer and prompt response to kids instead of encouraging them to explore and grow. This conditions us to be over-guarded or non-committal or evasive or hesitant in later life. 

Words Verbalized.  Encouragement and coaxing helped them to share words— Attitude, Background, Tension, Upbringing, Nurturing, Feelings, Values, Rights & Wrongs, Environment, Situations, Habit, Thinking, Consequences.  

Frame of Reference (FOR).  Briefly it means ‘A structure of concepts, values, customs, views, etc., by means of which an individual or group perceives or evaluates data’.  Hence all the stated words have bearing in determining the attitude of an individual based on his/her FOR.

Skill Building : Methodology

It will be developed in stages dwelling on characteristics (words) that influence behavior. It is a tried and tested method which has withstood the test of time and scrutiny. Uniqueness of the content—Nonacademic

Image result for INDIAN images FEELINGS

Rooted in realism, readers may find the narrative mirroring and reviving own memories and innate coping skills to deal with difficult situations.  Logic of it explained here-under would enable us learn how to apply that innate skill to be happy in all situations!  Allowing external factors to control one’s mood would tantamount to handing over our Remote Control of life to others! Losers’ Choice for sure!

Feelings-Thinking-Consequences-Paradigm Shift

Almost all of us struggle when asked to name one’s feelings other than Happy or Sad. Identifying feelings helps addressing struggle when in Sad Cycle. To illustrate:

            Happy  Feelings. Amusement, Ecstatic, Compassion, Love, joy to name few

            Sad Feelings.  Afraid, Anger, Depressed, Fear, Hopelessness, Loneliness are few out of more than 30.

Feelings-Thinking.  Good or bad behavior depends upon Happy or Sad Feelings at that moment. Similarly, on quality of feelings depends quality of Thinking (Negative/Positive). One more crucial aspect that impacts feelings—How Others Respond to someone else’s BehaviorConversely,  behavior mirrors quality of feelings. 

Conceptualized graphically, ensuing equation follows a distinct cyclic pattern.   To plot that model for say Sushant:

Happy Cycle

Positive Feelings = Positive Thoughts = Positive Behavior = Others Response—Positive = Ends Making One Feel Happier = Sushant is in Happy Cycle.  Happiness is aspirations of everyone, yet nealy 90 percent lead unhappy life chasing toys instead of Health and Relationship. Good news is—How to remain happy is practice able skill.    

Sad Cycle
Image result for images sad cycle
 Negative Feelings = Negative Thoughts = Negative Behavior = Others Response— Negative = Ends Making One Feel More Sad = Sushant is in Sad Cycle. Until the Cycle is Broken, Sushant will slide into vortex of abysmal sadness.

Consequences of Sad Cycle

Low Self Esteem; Hopelessness; Self Victimization; Poor Academic Performance; Empty Love Tank Renders One Vulnerable to Making Wrong Choices; Self Harm; Suicidal Thoughts/Attempts; Violence;   Addiction; Promiscuous Life; Ailments; STD/HIV; Failure in Relationships; Mega Losers in Life.

Struggle of a 18 year old boy

One evening a tall handsome guy arrived unannounced at DYC looking extremely distressed. Was in frightful hurry to talk.  Sitting down said—“Sushant I think I have HIV. I had sex with a prostitute. Wish I did not listen to my friend to take alcohol”.   

Flooded with negative feelings he kept cursing himself as he discovered facts about HIV test and consequences. Witnessing him suffer was disturbing. Yet he had no option but to deal with his trauma. Learning about facts did help him to regain self-control.   


To re-draw the LOOP:

How I Feel? --------Segment A--------How I Behave? -------Segment B---------How Others Respond-------------Segment C----------------Back to How I Feel?   


Paradigm Shift from Sad to Happy  Cycle

Story of Anahita Batra:

Please read my post Life Skills Happiness. To recap, Childhood innocence rendered her vulnerable to repeated sexual abuse. Ill-equipped parents were too trusting to keep at bay the prowling predators (close relatives) enjoying the status of ‘respectful elders’. What a mockery of Indian culture! Traumatic experience with boy friend at 15 devastated her.  Her radical change in response mode from ‘Loser’ to ‘Winner’ brought about the miraculous transformation—despair to ecstasy. To read more please access.

Post Script 

Own Time Work.  To validate the concept, readers may spare few moments pondering over their own memories of Sad/Happy Cycle from Childhood.  Disagreements would be more than welcome.  
 Question. Out of the three segments A, B & C, where should one break the Sad Cycle and How? 

To Be Contd……………

Tuesday, 8 September 2015


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Gifted with unique potential, everyone on planet earth is a leader.  On several occasions, I was amazed observing the innovative skills of unskilled workers to improvise!

Uniqueness is progressively hindered conforming to societal norms such as Culture, Marks, Career, Survival of The Fittest, Rituals, Money/Power/Status, different ‘Isms’—Cast-ism, Socialism, Capitalism, Fundamentalism and so on.  Ironically, the most crucial ‘ism’ (Humanism) remains submerged deep within. What matters is ‘my pound of flesh’! Question—Can we be secure in an insecure environment promoting 'I' Culture?  

Image result for image ayn randIncompetent Minority   

One dichotomy perpetuated in human history is exploitation of majority by incompetent minority. Dynamics of it have been described in gripping style by Ms Ayn Rand in her best seller Atlas Shrugged, 1957.

Incredible Yet True

Total strength of Elected Representatives (ER) for Parliament & State Legislative Assemblies/Councils including total number of Public and Government Servants in India is around three percent.  Of them, applying the Pareto Principle 80:20, Successful Leaders are over 80 percent:

Successful Leader: Characteristics 
Image that became viral. Bureaucrat wiping dust off Mayavati's shoes

Self before Service; Lack personal and professional integrity. Conformist (yes man) and Sycophant; Man of double standards; Career conscious; Amenable to wrong doings for personal gain; subservience could be as extreme as dusting shoes/touching feet. (07 sep 2015—Govt official publicly touched feet of Mulayam Singh at a rally in Mainpuri UP)

Less than three percent Incompetent Minority direct and control 97 percent Indians! Situation is no different globally. What a farce of tall claims regarding inclusive development!!  

Total strength of Elected Representatives is less than 5000 ie  0.00004 percent of India’s  population. Ironically, only 0.00004 % ERs have unfettered powers for governance. Let us look at the score card.     


1)               Preamble of Constitution has been turned on its head.
2)               Rampaging corruption. 
3)               Social and economic injustice.
4)               Assets of 1 % would soon exceed that of 99 % of world population!
5)               Global warming causing natural calamities frequently.          

Power of Bureaucracy

‘Yes Minister’—An extremely popular BBC TV serial in early 1980s.  Total dependence of ministers on manipulative bureaucrats. Each episode was so comical that smiles and guffaws kept the viewers glued. I seldom missed it.

 The plot is as relevant in Indian context. No politician can function  without the support of Bureaucrats, Police & Armed Forces. Unfortunately, these three pillars of the executive have progressively become too compliant to stand up against political bosses. Patronized by political masters, Successful Leaders flourish. Drought of ‘Good Leaders’ is conspicuous.  

Silver Linings
Image result for IMAGE Justice Jagmohan SinhaTo name few inspiring mavericks—Justice Jagmohan Lal Sinha whose historic judgment on 12 Jun 1975 dethroned Indira Gandhi, then PM; Justice SN Dhingra—mortally feared by shady politicians; Ashok Khemka, uncompromising despite frequent transfers;  Sanjeev Chaturvedi, recipient of Magsaysay Award recently for professional integrity;  July 2015, IG Amitabh Thakur filed FIR against Mulayam Singh Yadav.

I have personal knowledge of Leaders with enviable life style.  Profiled are few worthwhile episodes.  


Story of ‘X’

His dilemma started few months before retirement for taking initiative to resolve dispute between two officers; senior Colonel (Col) and his subordinate Major.

Disciplinary action had been initiated against the Major for insubordination. Allegation—use of abusive language which was denied. No witness was there to corroborate the allegation. Major was disturbed as leave was withheld pending finalization of case.

One day Major approached ‘X’ to mediate. He  confessed his guilt assured of confidentiality. As decided mutually, ‘X’ approached the aggrieved Colonel unofficially to settle the case once Major confessed guilt and apologized. He betrayed and officially reported the dialogue. 

Consequently, Enquiry Officer hurriedly summoned ‘X’ to record statement. By then news had spread like wild fire. All including accused Major were on pins. Conviction was certain if ‘X’ stated the facts.
Moral dilemma of ‘X’:—

 Telling truth would betray the trust reposed by Major. 

Lying before legal authority could  jeopardize retirement benefits of ‘X’.

Statement of ‘X’ before the Enquiry Officer:—

‘It is unfortunate that my name has been dragged into this case unnecessarily. I have no further comments to offer’.

Major went home on leave and ‘X’ retired peacefully and still feels proud of his stand!               
Image result for INDIAN IMAGES Sycophancy
Scholarly Subservience


Story of ‘X’

Recruitment rallies build undue pressures on Selection Committee (SC) to select nominated candidates by the top boss. Successful Leaders, irrespective of seniority, are forever willing to bend rules to conform. Fair selection is only for publicity not implementation!

One autumn morning Presiding Officer ‘X’ & members of SC assembled for conducting the tests starting with one mile run. On completion candidates were to stand in designated enclosures including one for Failures.

Senior member (Major) was Staff Officer to the Commandant (Brigadier). He whispered to ‘X’—‘Sir that guy in failure enclosure is candidate of the General from Delhi Headquarters’.  Major looked at X with disbelief when he said—‘Please include his name in list of failures’.

Few days later, Major was expedited to finalize the selection proceedings. Soon thereafter, Brigadier called up ‘X’. Interactions:
Brig:      I appreciate your stand. You could finalize the papers without showing any failures. That would clear your conscience’.

This preposterous proposal was unacceptable.   

‘X’:         ‘Sir I am not comfortable with that suggestion’.

Brig:      Would it be OK if I replaced you with someone else as the Presiding Officer?

‘X’:         Sir, that’s your prerogative

A pliable officer was nominated to flout norms of selection criteria to accommodate request of the Big Boss! Conscience of ‘X’  was clear.

Used to sycophancy, the Brigadier could not reconcile to the moral stand of ‘X’.  Petty mind of Brigadier and his wife worked overtime to badmouth against ‘X’.  Unfortunately, he had to move out on transfer within months. 


Story of  ‘X’

Somewhere in Assam.  ‘X’ assumed charge at a time when image of the unit had nose-dived. It was a crucial tenure for ‘X’ before promotion.

Morale of men was low. Challenge was daunting yet enjoyable working together.  Tough training schedule kept troops professionally and physically fit. It also helped regain lost image and pride, slowly but steadily. 

As new raising, resources were inadequate. Funds were not enough  to provide welfare facilities. Administrative loose ends were tied to prevent pilferage.  Outcome was revealing.

One day, Senior Junior Commissioned Officer (SJCO) and Office Superintendent came to office and said—

SJCO:           Sir, lots of atta, rice, sugar, ghee etc have become surplus due to close supervision. What should we do?

‘X’:                 While demanding ration from supply depot, adjust the surplus quantity by under-drawing.

Exchanging glances they did not seem satisfied; hesitated to offer suggestions. Encouraged to speak suggested haltingly

SJCO:           Sir, you know jawans do not have proper utensils to eat food; several other welfare items  are needed urgently. We do not have funds. If you agree, we could sell the surplus rations to our families at subsidized rates. Thus funds would be generated benefitting  troops & families. 

‘X’:                 Do you realize the suggestion is perfect recipe for my Court Martial? After a pause. ‘OK go ahead. You know it would not remain secret. Please caution everyone, there will be no change in style of command fearing blackmail’.        

Utensils were bought. Men were exceedingly happy.  Yes, there was an anonymous complaint. Somehow it was not pursued vigorously by authorities. Meanwhile, ‘X’ had resolved to plead guilty, if asked officially.

Perhaps, path of righteousness enjoys divine protection……….!!      

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Story of Lt Col B

Regiment of Artillery  

Year 1966. True story about demonstration of exceptional moral courage by the Commanding Officer (CO) in a peace station.

Then young Adjutant, now over 70 years old Jagdish, was emotionally charged narrating and so was I listening. As if he was reliving those unforgettable and amazing moments.

One Saturday morning Senior Junior Commissioned Officer (SJCO) reported to me that Recruit  Jarnail Singh was missing since previous night. I was rattled as desertion was a serious offence and needed reporting to higher authorities forthwith.

I informed the CO for orders. Unperturbed, replied—‘Let’s wait till Monday morning as tomorrow is Sunday’.  

Monday morning SJCO:  Sahib, Jarnail has rejoined and confessed having committed murder. I felt unsettled listening to him.

Jarnail to SJCO:                 Previous Friday I received letter from Mom. She was fed up due to unbearable harassment by the village bad guy. Civil authorities did not help. She had written—माँ  की  रक्षा  तो नहीं कर  सकता  देश  की  रक्षा  क्या  करेगा ! यह  पड़ कर  मेरा  सर  फिर  गया  और  मैं  भाग  गया मैंने  उसका  क़तल  करके  कुएं  में  फेक  कर  वापस  लौट  आया । अब  आपकी  मर्ज़ी (Mom had written you cannot protect your mom, how can you protect the country? I was furious. I reached there and murdered the guy. Threw his body in a well and returned. Now it is up to you).      
Jagdish:                                 I was stunned and confused. Briefed CO. He asked  my views regarding Jarnail’s general conduct. Satisfied that the young recruit was OK interviewed him in rustic Punjabi.  Having ensured no one had seen him at the place of crime, directed:-                                                                                                

CO:                                          To Jarnail—Remember you never left the unit. You have been on duty at ----(located  far away from the unit) since one month.                                                                                     

   To Jagdish & SJCO—Please reconstruct the official records forthwith. Make sure when police investigation team arrives, they are taken care of and dealt with tact to file closure report for lack of evidence.


Witnessing all this gave me goose pimples.  Felt confident and honored to learn something so powerful regarding genuine welfare of men under command.  No book can teach this, only a Good Leader can; like that adorable CO.   Superseded he melted away from active service unsung in public eye but etching a place for himself  in the heart forever of all those who knew him. 

Post Script

Reward for Good Leaders. Harassed and superceded but feared by incompetent majority; adored by colleagues & subordinates.  They are remembered by some forever.

Successful Leaders.   Shelf-life is at the mercy of their patrons. Wonder whether they respect themselves!!
I have plenty of experiences on leading ethical life in unethical environment. Have plans to share as Musings if I last out long enough to do so.  

Who is Mr ‘X’? Those who recognized are welcome to reveal his identity.

To end on a funny but meaningful note:

Successful Leaders always move with a group of sycophants stroking their ego. Assuming to be repository of knowledge, they have an opinion on everything.

Once such a General joined the group of independent thinkers discussing affairs in the Army.  To General’s emphatic comment, Army has gone to dogs, one Lt Col like ‘B’ retorted—“Sir, do you think Army has gone to dogs or dogs have joined the Army”?   

          May be that’s the story everywhere ……………………?