

Saturday, 4 February 2017



Vivek Agnihotri's perspective on dissent struck a chord.  Equally striking was his subsequent narrative labeling Barkha Dutt & her ilk as 'Intellectual Mafia cum 'Establishment'.

'My dissent is better than your dissent' reminded me of a recent incident. My  perspectives on 'demonetization' received offensive rejoinders from Saleem (name changed), a young man of 20, disregarding our years of relationship:  
"…..I see a strong support of this fascist by you, something I am unable to digest…..what is this crap….".   

To say it was not unnerving would be a lie.  While mulling over, it refreshed memories of how loathsome is this pervasive practice of Labeling that leaves lifelong emotional scars. Almost all are affected by it, irrespective of Caste, Creed or Status, yet maintain deafening silence, conditioned by societal indifference! 

In hindsight, I need to thank Saleem for priming me to tell stories untold. Welcome to the world of well-masked-survivors of Mental Abuse ('Labeling'); it is no less murky than Sexual Abuse, perhaps more intense! Samples of bottled-up emotions: 

My Struggle

I still remember the label 'Donkey', put on me in Standard 2 by the Class Teacher and snide remarks of Dad that evening explaining its meaning—'it means गधा गधा; has someone called you 'that' in school today? Though it took decades to reconcile, the memory is still fresh'!   
Mrs Indira Gandhi India's Former PM aka Iron Lady

Excerpt regarding impact of childhood labeling shared at the age of 46:—

"…….Indira was mortified at her poor performance at Jaipur. With hurt and bitterness, she told her friend Pupul Jayakar how her aunt, Vijay Lakshmi Pandit , had undermined her self-confidence in childhood  by calling her ugly and stupid. This shattered something within me, ……faced with hostility, however well prepared I am, I get tongue-tied and withdraw." Page 295 Indira, The Life of Indira Nehru Gandhi  by Katherine Frank.    

18 Jan 2017. In the words of twin brothers, age 14

'It was extremely hurtful, when a teacher insulted us in the class without any provocation— "तुम दोनों ज़िंदगी मेँ कुछ नहीं बन पयोगे" Fuming with anger, felt like hitting him. Such instances de-motivate us from going to school'
What is  Labelling?

Simply put, labeling is disparaging/disrespectful expressions, verbal or non-verbal, to put down someone. It tantamount to insensitively attach 'Label(s) of Stigma'!  Such demeaning experiences invariably lower Self-Esteem/Self-Worth and could shatter self-confidence for life. 

'During several surveys, students of class 8 thru 12 admitted that more than 80 percent of them lack Self-Discipline, Self-Confidence and Decision-Making Ability'.  Major reason may be the morbid culture of Bullying-Teasing-Labeling!

I often marvel at the ingenuity in coining 'Labels'—

टकला (bald-headed), टुकरा (errand boy in brothel), छक्का (eunuch),  clapping with straightened fingers spread indicating eunuch, चुड़ा (low caste), घन-चक्कर (mad fellow),गोबर गणेश (idiot) and so on. 

Profanities are worst form of labeling that starts as early as nursery. To recap more 'Labels':

            Unaware of the damaging implications, parents and teachers use 'Labels' indiscriminately—

पागल, बुद्धू, Duffer, Stupid, बेवकूफ, Comparison of Siblings or with other Children  and so on. If the label 'donkey' could upset me, effect on others would be no less intense . 

Modus Operandi

Attitude of Abusers, 'I WIN-YOU LOSE', stems from essentially three factors—Cut-Throat Competition, Absence of Compassion & Empathy. Multifaceted methods stated below are used, separately or in combination, to stick labels— 

Teasing, Name Calling, Name Twisting, Criticism, Gender Bias, Sarcasm, Bullying,  Shaming, Lampooning, Graffiti....
Incidents of Mindless Behavior

Several episodes ended up in violence, grievous injury; nervous breakdown; suicide. To recall one horrific episode that rattled the Nation:  23 Aug 2003 IIT Delhi, Nervous breakdown of a rank holder and expulsion of four students (abusers).  

            Who knows whether the 'abused' and 'four abusers' been able to overcome the emotional jetlag of that traumatic ordeal as yet!!  
Consequence—All were mega losers including the Illustrious Institution

Is Labeling An Issue

Until 60 it was not, despite my childhood experience. Name-twisting sarcasm was a perpetual irritant, yet I kept compromising! Why? Confession:  

·       Craving for attention/popularity  

·       Low self esteem,

·       Fear of altercation/losing friends, if objected.
·       No Purpose of Life  
Note: When challenged, most convenient excuse offered by the abusers—'take it easy buddy; did not mean it; just joking' and so on. This made me feel even worse. Admittedly, I was smarting within submerged in Sad Feelings Cycle

Paradigm Shift—Post 60

Magical transformation started in 2000 at Doon Youth Centre (DYC)—a Unique place imbued with 'feel-good vibes'. 'The only one of its kind' is how the fraternity members still remember DYC!! Non-judgmental & friendly environment allowed all to unmask and be real on entering its portal. In that conducive environment, free and frank interaction allowed understanding of real life challenges on substantive issues to include taboo topics like Labeling. To Illustrate the level of comfort:

Once 'Sexual Urge' (SA) was the topic for Saturday Group Discussion —a popular event attended by both Boys & Girls in large number. One question included was 'Is masturbation an expression of SA?' As a moderator, I needed to be sure of the comfort level of all women participants. On preceding Friday, two young ladies walked in, one was a first timer.  'We are OK talking about anything at DYC' was their spontaneous response to my question!! 

In fact, ambience at DYC was too irresistible to resist sharing accumulated feelings gnawing for years:

Here is what 70 year old Ravi (name changed) shared one evening—'Well Sushant, I want to talk about something very personal. Since childhood I have been a target of ridicule for frail appearance. Suffered criticism both at home and School/College. Plastered with all kinds of labels, my self-confidence was shattered during the formative years itself. Grew up with different complexes and inhibitions that messed up my thinking and decision-making ability.
 My wife and children seldom consult me on family matters even now. This makes me feel disrespected and humiliated. I feel so helpless and depressed!!' 
Confessed that he felt better after talking.

Life Skills Classes in Schools. Interactive teaching format allowed students, Class 6 thru 12, to share their enormous struggles due to 'Teasing/Bullying cum Labeling'. As doors kept opening, I wondered how the students could maintain emotional stability to withstand pressures of competition (marks) and good behavior!! Reproduced are few unnerving narratives: 
Example 1 

Tinku (name changed) , Class 6, Age 11/12 

Tinku (Fuming)                         'Rajiv and his rowdy friends make fun twisting my name. I hate them. Class teacher's warning, after I reported,  only worsened matters'

Facilitator                                'How do you wish to deal with the situation?'

Tinku (pulled out
a sharp razor blade)                  'I want to murder Rajiv by slashing his throat with this'

           Though he was pacified after talking, it raised many questions??

Example 2

USHA (name changed), age 13 

Effect of the Label—तुम से हमें कोई ऊमीद नहीं है—on Usha was so intense that she was determined to commit suicide. To read her story, please see Episode 1  

            Example 3

Priyanka (name changed), Class 11

She was popular for her academic profile since junior classes.  Though dark-complexioned, she was strikingly attractive with a disarming smile.   Amiable and helpful nature won hearts of many to befriend her.   

One day in the Class, she burst out crying for seemingly no reason.   I escorted her out to regain composure. Reason for the outburst shared—she was shabbily treated by the class teacher that morning for no fault of hers.  Session high-lights:

Sushant           Other than the incident today, would you like to share anything else bothering you most of the time

Priyanka          Yes; I am not beautiful because;  मैं काली हूँ (I am dark-complexioned). It has been troubling me since junior class, as my peers frequently jeered by labeling me—काली कलूटी बेंगन लूटी (black like brinjal)

Sushant affirmed her attractive features and charming presence. Reassurance helped her to bounce back, smiling ear to ear 

 Sushant          Do you think component of beauty is complexion or beautiful mind?
Priyanka          Beautiful mind of course
(Responded with confidence and pranced back to the Classroom)

Example 4 

My Struggle Until Age 60: Name Twisting

My surname Bhattacharyya was shortened to Bhatta. Though I was not comfortable, everyone be it friends, school mates and colleagues at work place called me Bhatta until I joined DYC at 60. There I was almost rechristened with my first name, Sushant. Retrospectively, it was a welcome change for sure. 

To elaborate, word भटटI in Hindi means 'any type of loss'. भटटI बैठ गया or भटटI बीठा दिया were expressions frequently used by 'friends' jokingly, they said! I found the comments unnerving, yet suffered in silence for the reasons stated earlier. 

Evidently, I was not empowered even at 60 to be assertive. Perhaps, the story is no different with most of us. 

          On few occasions, attempt to cross the line of friendship, to call me 'Sush', was  preempted appropriately on WIN-WIN Mode. 
 Example 5 

Indira Nooyi, CEO Pepsico on Labels Honey, Sweetie, Babe

Excerpts of her strong objection in Aug 2016—"…..she hates being called Sweetie or Honey or Babe and women should be respected as individuals and not addressed by such names…..."


Listening to many such instances sensitized me to the lifelong effect of Labeling. Age is no bar as stated earlier as also corroborated by someone of the stature of Indira Nooyi.  Almost all have a script to tell but never talk!! Understandably so………. 

            1.              How a Divine symbol of purity at birth transforms into an Abusive Devil?
            2.              Psyche of  abusers and abused?
3.              Is it country-specific or a Universal phenomenon?
            4.              Who gains and who loses?
            5.              What is the solution?

                                                                                                        To Be contd.......