

Friday, 9 June 2017



During past few months, Media, Schools, Institutions & Parents have been on overdrive gloating over stories of 'toppers', 90 per-centers & perfect 10 CGPA achievers.  Celebratory mode and mood of this annual event were no different!!
Would the high profile aspirants translate their 'high-sounding resolutions' into action?  As evident from the 'Collage', similar pledges of predecessors ended up as broken promises with appalling behavior in many cases!! Why? This blog, I hope, answers the question!!

                                                                                        Courtesy Ms Meera Handa


Session on Life Centre (LC) formed part of the Life Skills Curriculum structured to teach students in schools and colleges. To recall the significance of Life-Skills, revealed to us by a student of Class 6 or 7—'If the letter 'S' is deleted, Life Kills'. To read more on how to insert 'S' in one's life, please access HealthySexuality and Proactivity—Ability to Respond not React aka Proactive Response to Situations.

When I attended the first session on LC conducted by my colleague, Ken McRae, I was hugely impacted realizing how choice of LC influences the quality of life. Challenged to think  differently, students were excited to learn something new as against listening to the stereotyped teaching of syllabi; singularly focused on Superlative Marks & Rote Learning!!
Video Clip, Movie 3 Idiots. Sensitively portrays two instances of Life Skills (Proactivity) stemming from Stable & Principle-Centered Life Centre:

  •                        Proactive response of FARHAN to win the heart and mind of his 'Dad' to pursue    photography as career.

  •                        Powerful choice made by RAJU to hold on to his attitude instead of compromising principles. Another example of proactive response.  

Reel to Real Life

Comprehensive report on increasing suicides in IITs, AmarUjala 4 Jun 2017
validates the narrative of  Raju regarding fear factor


        Many may find the clip 'filmy' and too idealistic. My appeal to them, please read on ………..with an open mind!! 

Significance of the Word 'Centre'

"……..A point, pivot, axis, etc., around which anything rotates or revolves: The sun is the center of the solar system. The source of an influence, action, force, etc.: the center of a problem. A point, place, person, etc., upon which interest, emotion, etc., focuses: His family is the center of his life". Link.

Significant point to note—Eye of a Storm, Epicenter, Nucleus, Kernel & Core are words that describe the most crucial part of a phenomenon be it Super-Cyclone, Tsunami, Earthquake, Tornado etc  that is tracked/explored.

Quote of Swami Vivekananda on Life:

"…….Live in the midst of the battle of life. Anyone can keep calm in a cave or when asleep. Stand in the midst and madness of action and reach the Centre. If you have found the Centre, you cannot be moved".   
What is Life Centre?

Whatever one is motivated to pursue in life with passion by means fair or foul. Sachin Tendulkar attained glory as cricketer, Lata Mangeshwar in music,  Amitabh Bachchan  as film star, Tiger Woods in golf and so on. 

Little known 'Guru' of Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, imbued with altruism donated 99 percent of his wealth and so has 34 year old MarkZuckerberg, CEO Face Book. Nana Patekar, renowned actor, switched track to become a revered philanthropist.  

On the other hand, Tiger Woods suffered irreparable loss & humiliation when his LC shifted from Sports to Fun (temptations). What a heavy price to pay for choosing Dalliance over Family Core Values!!  Telling confession clip: 


"I stopped living by the core values…….……….I thought that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled; thanks to money and fame. ….I was wrong I was foolish. I do not get to play by different rules. ….. I hurt my wife, kids…..and kids all around the world who admired me….."       
Story of Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma  Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Rosa Park, First Lady of Civil Rights Movement in USA, demonstrate the power of LC as a driving force. What did they have in common?—Stable Life Centre rooted in Values-Principles-Purpose of Life 

On flip side are innumerable instances of unethical conduct. To mention just three: driven by Money Power Status, Sahara Shree SubrotoRoy is in jail and liquor baron Vijay Mallya is on the run. Illustrious Rajat Gupta, IIT & Harvard Graduate, first foreign-born Chief Executive, Consultancy Firm McKinsey for 10 years. He was convicted and spent two years in US prison for breach of trust and that too at the age of 66!!!  

                                 Life Centre: Model

                                                                     COURTESY Ms MEERA HANDA

Fountainhead of Stable Life Centre Hinges on  
Values—Principles—Purpose of Life

Session Format

Unlike the standard teaching method of lecture/monotonous talk, our life skills sessions were patently different. Focus was on facilitating learning, as against teaching,  in an enabling environment that encouraged active participation.  Students enjoyed Learning thru Fun  the format of interactive mode of learning including role plays, games, individual and group activities.   

Session  on LC 

 Session normally started with a dramatized narrative to impact and energize the students to be attentive and think logically. Sample:

Facilitator to Students

'How many of you have experienced earthquake? When  asked to recall their feelings stated   instability, fear, insecure, confused, apprehensive & so on until the tremor stopped'. Ensuing discussion sensitized them as to the importance of choosing a stable Life Centre like Values/Priciples/Purpose of Life. Such ice breakers invariably evinced interest in students to learn more.     
Overview of the Game 

Conceptualized and conducted on fun-filled format, it inspired participants to share real life experiences/feelings.

Life Centers (LC) written in bold letters on Label size 10"x6" separately were pasted on the wall leaving enough space for students to stand in front of each. On entering the Classroom, students were curious to know more about the labels. 

After reading aloud the LC on labels and clarifying doubts, students were told that the Game would start thus—

'When FACILITATOR asks what was or would be your Life Centre aS PER THE AGE SPECIFIED, YOU NEED TO   choose the LC and stand in front of that label'. 

Ages specified were 5, 10, 13 to 17, 25, around 40 and over 60, In other words game was played in five to six rounds as per time available 

Additional Guidelines

1.              Be real while choosing the LC.
2.              Do not pressurize or cause injury
3.              No confusion/shouting
4.              Follow directions of the facilitator
5.              Ask questions freely  

As facilitators, we kept note of behavior of students including choice of LC in each round. Salient observations:

1)              Tendency to follow the crowd

2)              Influence of peer pressure

3)              Confusion in choosing LC

4)               At 5 & 10 most chose Family

5)              Between 13 to 17—Studies, Boy/Girl Friend, Friends, Sex, Money/Power/Status  

6)              At 25—College, Career, Money, Power, Status. 

7)              Around 40— Money/Power/Status, Career, Family (mostly by girls).  Some chose Boy/Girl Friend. 
8)              After 60 God/Religion was chosen unanimously 

9)              Very few chose Values, Principle or Purpose of Life

10)           In some sessions, 'Family' was omitted around 40

11)           Some chose Boy/Girl Friend, Fun after 60  

Discussion on Salient Observations

The most crucial, yet neglected, phase of learning is 'adolescence' to untangle the emotional cobwebs and develop Healthy Sexuality. Interactive discussion in enabling environment allowed teenagers to resolve doubts and assimilate understanding from individual perspective. 

            As facilitators, while avoiding advice, we challenged them to think differently and to logically process the implications of Choices and Consequences. Thereby, initiating the process of empowerment—To develop the ability to make principle-centered choices in life by choosing Right over Wrong. Time-tested virtue of this life style has been well-articulated by Al Pacino in his stirring speech, Movie Scent of a Woman (1993):-  


"……I always knew what the right path was ……I never took it ……because it was too damn hard. …here's Charlie……he has chosen the right path……made of principles that lead to character…..He will make you proud one day….."  

Discussion Highlights  would be covered subsequently


Perfect recipe for unconditional happiness — Stable Life Centre ROOTED IN PRICIPLES plus Ability to Respond NOT React to Situations. One may cross check its validity recalling own life experiences…..

The ultimate secret of leading blissful life— life CENTRE IMBUED WITH PURPOSE OF LIFE. More on this later…..     

                                                                                                                To Be Contd......


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