of Life brings forth fanciful yet nebulous thoughts. Understandably so as we
are never challenged to contemplate and assimilate its life-changing
significance. Enriching experience of
the transformation inspired me to influence others willing to explore and
discover their Purpose of Life. Consciously
yet cautiously I have been encouraging young and old to ‘achieve greatest
fulfillment’ by choosing their Purpose-Driven Life.
of us when asked to share purpose of life pause unsure of the response. Thoughts
normally shared:
Teenagers— Admission in good school; get 90
percent to please parents; be topper & all rounder; Money Power Status
Men/Women— MPS; good
college; good job; earn lots of money; marry to get bride/bahu for Mom; daughters to get life partner.
Couples—MPS; acquire
wealth; work hard party harder; buy status enhancing ‘toys’; indulgence
focused; quality education to children to get job; get them married; await
grand children.
Elderly—work to supplement income/time pass; God
centric rituals; health care; eat, drink and be merry; travelling; babysitting;
visit children and grandchildren; social work in spare time.
curtain comes down.
we seldom ask: Is this the meaning or purpose of life?
C. Maxwell. Excerpt: ‘Helen Keller, when asked what would be worse
than being born blind replied “To have sight and no vision”. Poorest are those who have no vision. … 90% grow
up without goal. Of the 5 percent with goals, 95 percent achieve them …. In
1953 research at Yale University, three percent of the graduating class decided
their goals. In 1975 they had
accomplished more than the 97 percent…. Unsuccessful
people are mundane people motivated by today. They are not tomorrow thinkers.
Most belong to that category’.
experienced life-changing phenomenon of transformation, these are truly achievable
thoughts of wisdom for implementation.
Until one takes the small step, giant warehouse of treasure would remain
a mystery awaiting discovery! Customized
key to that warehouse lies within each one of us.
Life’s Pattern
phrase ‘purpose of life’ generates instinctive but least sustainable interest. Reasons, I think, are attributable to deeply
entrenched apprehensions imbued from childhood.
Goaded and hounded by parents and societal pressures, a child is
launched into rat-race to become the ‘TOPPER’, main components being ‘God of Marks’
and ‘MPS’!
phase has come down to a ridiculously low level, 2½ years. Even then parenting skill is honed teaching
poems like baba black sheep, alphabets and counting in English. Pre-requisites
of Emotional Quotient (EQ)—Values & Healthy Sexuality—take backseat.
of academic excellence overrides crucial qualities of altruistic beings like love,
compassion, ethics and empathy to name few.
To step out in later life becomes a major impediment to think
differently and reflect on something as alien as Purpose!
widespread unhappiness within and outside families has made almost no impact to
explore alternatives; Purpose of Life being the most powerful and
products of conditioning, adults adopt a life style of ‘Human Doing instead of
Human Being’. Children grow up witnessing hackneyed and self-centered life
styles of people in real and reel life focused on MPS. Unrestrained and
unethical life style is ingrained as cool.
society endorses freedom of speech and expression howsoever offensive to others.
Honey Singh has huge fan following; AIB’s standup comedy draws full house so
also 50 Shades of Grey—extract of candid views shared by a young lady recently:
“The movie is running packed houses here in UK. I too went
for a late night show with my husband……. . To my surprise 90% of audience
comprised females……….what made me ponder was those 100s of females who were
enjoying n giggling every time they saw Anna being beaten or abused by
Christian? How would u get entertained by watching anything like this?”
Perspective of
Another Young Lady. Excerpts
read a chapter of it (50 Shades….). But it is very damaging,….. It touches on
the aspect of a bizarre sexual relationship……..The danger is that many young
people have loved it. …….. literature, movies and songs are catchy and at times
extol bizarre and dysfunctional sexual relationships. These can add to the
confusion of the already confused teenager”
Glamour World/Movies
Hide Facts. Like advertisements glamour world portray
half truths. Consequences of promiscuous life, BDSM and so on are never depicted.
In real life denial or wishful thinking would not help in dealing with—emotional
trauma of spouses and children, unsparing criticism by hypocritical society, legal,
financial and medical liabilities.
Absence of Role Model. Role models of
character and competence are scarce. In this vacuum youth feel disoriented and disillusioned.
Caught in the web of apprehensions they conform. Yet emergence of role models inspire youth to
emulate. Real life narratives included in next part.
Misleading Slogans. Catch phrase ‘Just Do It’ has been lapped up
and adopted as a life style by youth.
Their image and security lie in branded items impacted by glamour world and
peers from affluent families. To bridge
the gap between resources and greed renders them vulnerable to temptations such
as robbery, trading in drugs and violence including abduction and murder.
Absence of Quality
Intervention. Quality intervention in one’s life from
childhood is almost missing due to ill-equipped Parents, Teachers &
competitive environment. Ethics, Compassion
and Empathy have lost significance. Attitude is to get bigger piece of the pie
by any means. Neglect of parents in old
age is an expected outcome!
Ominous Consequences. Warped understanding of ethics has promoted
the culture of permissiveness with unfettered freedom of choices. Tectonic effect
is right on our face—planet earth under threat of extinction; increasing divide between rich and poor;
violence against women; social & economic injustice at all levels globally.
Therefore almost all
young as well as old think as products of environment and genes one has no
choice to be different. Fact is each one is a product of choices till
death! To cite Mahatma Gandhi- “Be the
change you wish to see in this world”.
Conditioned Life of an Individual—Profile
Phobia starts soon after a year of marriage; couple is under pressure. Delay
draws speculation/accusation by all and sundry; Wife faces the brunt; In most
cases conception is accident of pleasure; Expectation of male child mounts; Pressures
of ultra sound and infanticide are common.
upto 10 years.
Celebration; scale dependent on gender of the child; Ill equipped
parenting starts. It is a mixed bag of smother mothering, threats & fears; Child
learns to manipulate and emotional blackmail by crying. Obstinacy encouraged; Rote
learning starts; Pressure of marks;
Creative learning stymied; Silence on taboo topics; no education against sexual
abuse; Negative conditioning—bad
language, unethical life style of adults, sexual abuse, peer pressure, media influence
etc; Over protection curbs initiative.
10 to 17 yrs. Rights
and wrongs are not clear; No self discipline & decision making ability; Silence
on taboo topics cause more confusion; Ill
equipped to deal with hormonal changes; No role model to emulate; TV as pastime;
Criticism and pressure to perform disturb comfort zone; No one to share
feelings; bottled up feelings cause
distractions, self harm, suicidal thoughts etc; Vulnerable to make bad
choices: smoking, alcohol, distraction
by opposite sex, sexual contact; Unhealthy
Unstable Life Centre due to unhealthy sexuality; Devoid of ethics and
life skills, become part of the problem; Substance abuse, casual sex, one night
stand, live-in relationship and rave parties are cool; End justifies means; Hazy
ideas about relationship; Craving for materialism; Unhealthy Sexuality and
Unethical life style.
Age Post 60. Adulthood attitude I Win you Lose continues; offensive/insensitive
behavior; God-centric activities; Time
spent on travelling, visiting
children/grand children, Club life, partying,
chit-chatting, property litigation, social work; Health care/sickness.
Loneliness. A common denominator in life that rattles
most of us throughout.
Our story ends with death—the ultimate truth. How do we wish to be remembered thereafter may allow us to think differently. In any case should one be satisfied living a mundane life until death? Is it helpful in satisfying our innate craving for happiness?
Inner voice/Conscience
(Gemini Cricket of Pinocchio)/God-made Constitution, I think, constantly nudge
us to do something purposeful because happiness stems from ‘stilling our spirit
and not the feeding of our body’ Robert Clements.
To Be Contd.....
Enjoyed reading..
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ReplyDeleteSo though provoking Sushant, specially for me who is still finding his 'Purpose'. I remember when you first asked me this question long time back 'What is the purpose of your life ?'. I used to feel very uncomfortable with this question. I just didn't have the answer (still don't have). I was a teen that time. Good college/job/wife were my goals. I haven't figured out my 'Purpose' but surely know why is it so important.
ReplyDeleteYou & DYC have a Huge impact on my life. I feel myself so lucky. Thanks for all that you gave me.