

Tuesday, 10 July 2018




How Good A Listener Am I?

Mindful of this  question alone would enable Accomplished Facilitators (AF) to self-monitor and hone their Listening Skill progressively. Of utmost importance is AFs remaining hyper-sensitive to the subtle expectations seldom articulated so clearly by a counselee:- 

        You are listening to me when……….

You come quietly into my private world and let me be me;
You try to understand me even if I’m not making much sense;
You grasp my point even when it’s against your own convictions;
You realize that the hour I took from you, has left you a bit tired and drained;
You allow me the dignity of making my own decisions even though you think they might be wrong;
You do not take my problem from me, but allow me to deal with it in my own way;
You do not offer religious solace before I am ready for it;
You give me enough room to discover for myself what is really going on;
You accept my gratitude by telling me how good it makes you feel to know that you have been helpful;

You are not listening to me when……….

You do not care about me;
You say you understand before;
You know me well enough;
You have an answer for my problem before I’ve finished telling you what my problem is;
You cut me off before I’ve finished speaking;
You finish my sentence for me;
You find me boring and don’t tell me;
You feel critical of my vocabulary, grammar or accent;
You are dying to tell me something;
You tell me about your experience, making mine unimportant;
You are communicating to someone else in the room;
You refuse my thanks by telling me you haven’t really done anything.

Listening to the narrative with eyes shut during the training in September 2000 was overwhelming.  Recalling that stirring experience still gives me goosebumps!

Brief Recap of Few Expressions

Non-Directive Counseling (NDC) :Annotations

*Empowerment. NDC is a powerful tool that allows those in emotional distress to bounce back and feel empowered to take charge of his/her life. Empowered herein means—ability to make value-based choices based on clear understanding of Rights & Wrongs. To reiterate the metaphor—'Instead of giving a fish, teach how to catch a fish'!  

It is a dynamic concept that helps Accomplished Facilitators (AF) evolve individually based on Experiential Learning. Primary source is one-on-one Sessions followed by inputs from Seminars and others. As emphasized earlier, it is an individual-specific skill dependent upon the frame of reference (principles or ideas or experiences that influence attitude) of both, Facilitator and Counselee

Multi-source inputs help refining the Nuggets stored in memory profile of AF. To illustrate Experiential Learning:

Recent input from my niece, Principal of a Public School, Kolkata highlighted the importance of Dad's role:  

Anger-filled student (Bunty), Class 2, has spread terror amongst classmates. Extremely vicious in beating up students regularly disregarding advice and warnings. Her narrative:

'Yesterday I was at the gate as students were arriving. It was raining heavily. Yet Bunty stood there  fully drenched. I saw him staring enviously at a girl whose Dad  hugged & kissed her cheeks before leaving.

Sensing  upsurge of anger, I cautioned the class teacher.  Soon complaint arrived—He has beaten up the girl badly causing serious injury to her cheeks.

My interactions with mother revealed she was seeking separation. Apprehending harm, she did  not allow Bunty to meet Dad. As advised, she agreed to allow Bunty to spend the Sunday with his father.

Following Monday Bunty was at his best behavior and looked happy, calm and composed'.
This episode, I have added to memory profile, for use while counseling parents. To read how Dad's bluff caused anger in 8 year old son, please access

Synergized Listening

Harmonious blend of nuggets forming part of three Components—Persona, Skills including Life Skills. Overview of the components with color codes:

·             Persona 70 Percent.  Like Principle-Centered; Proactive Body Language; Healthy Sexuality ….

·              Skills 30 Percent Nuggets. For instance, Building Rapport; Route 350; How to explore feelings; Reflecting/Mirroring; How to deal  with Silence or Crying…. 

·             Life Skills Nuggets, Part of Skills 30%. For example, Feelings Cycle; Circle of Control; Proactive Response; Perception & Facts; Purpose of Life……

Potential Facilitator 70/30 (PF)  

·            70% Innate Qualities— Ethics, Compassion, Empathy, Unconditional Love, Courage, Wisdom, Humility, No Prejudice & Genuineness.

·            30% Skills. Commitment to learn NDC Skills.     

Accomplished Facilitator(AF)

A PF equipped with Synergized Listening thru well-structured Training Schedule.  Real life learning starts with one-on-one sessions! It took me almost a year to occupy the hot seat of an AF and still feel challenged and humbled whenever anyone approaches for help


"Something that a person has said or written that is very true or very wise". In context of Synergized Listening, anything of relevance or value learnt/experienced by an AF. These nuggets are stored in memory profile for application during counseling sessions in future. For instance, on 31 Jul 16, I read an illuminating article on 'Crying'ThirdEye Cry.

"…….It’s when we can’t express ourselves, our emotions, in any other way. Babies cry because they haven’t learned how to speak words that we’ve come to understand. …….it’s a powerful expression that’s so natural to us…….. But society shames it…….But that’s no fault to the tears. White, black, brown, yellow, blue tears is irrelevant…… We forget that crying is so naturally healthy and necessary……..Tears include endorphins, our brains’ natural pain killer…….. saltiness of tears lubricates and cleanses eyes, and tears have oils that protect eyes’ surface….. our life’s oldest form of communication, and it can be lightening and liberating".

Fundamental Nuggets.  But for fine-tuning, these basic elements   do not change. For example:

1)              Persona Nuggets
2)              Building rapport
3)              Route 350
4)              Internal frame of reference
5)              Reflecting/ mirroring
6)              Feelings Cycle
7)              Circle of Control
8)              Proactive Response
9)              Perception & Facts

Explanation. All the fundamental nuggets would be explained in suitable lots using the same Color Code (Red, Green and Blue). The previous links have been embedded to facilitate access for comprehensive understanding of each. Please bear with the inconvenience of having to read the links!  

Persona Nuggets


'A Valueless Life Is a Value Less Life'
During Life Skills Session on destiny flow chart, one perceptive student of Class 8  highlighted the significance of Principles/Values in Life.

Destiny Flow Chart

Thought Impulse=Action/Choice=Repeated Choice=Habit=Repeated Habit=Character=Destiny adhering to the Cause & Effect Principle.


 Student's Question.  'I notice that everything depends on the quality of 'Thought Impulse'. How to know whether my thinking is Right or Wrong?'   Since then, teaching on Values/Principles was scaled up in our Classes.

Purpose of NDC is empowerment* enabling an individual to make value based choices in life with clear understanding that:-

'Like Cosmic Laws, Rights & Wrongs are Fixed and
Do Not Change From Person to Person or Situation to Situation'.

A counselee learns best emulating the Principle-Centered life style of AF. He/She models: 

·                Self Discipline—punctuality, empathy, compassion, respect for all, no discrimination, no offensive behavior, cooperation NOT competition
·                No Contradiction Between Precept & Practice
·                Personal & Professional Integrity
·                Friendliness

Adults,  Particulalry Teachers,  are Under The Scanner of Youth 24/7

Example 1

One morning, we entered Class 8 to teach Life Skills. Students, agitated over double standards of teachers, shared their anguish—'They scold us when we talk. But waste teaching time talking on mobile violating School orders'.     

Example 2

Observation of a student—'Ruth Madam (name changed), a student-friendly teacher, preached civic sense but …... Once she had accompanied us on Mussoorie trek. En route, after refreshment break, she simply tossed the tetra pack. She lost our respect that day'.       

Real Life Incidents.  Two episodes emphasize the significance of internalizing clear understanding of Values/Principles by an Accomplished Facilitator.   

Incident  1

Intense session on sexuality with senior students of a prestigious school concluded around midnight. While walking back to hostel with 5/6 senior students, one tall smart guy asked—'Sir, is it right or wrong to talk to girls?'

My internal dialogue—this question entails clear understanding of value-based limits, choices & consequences. Students need to work it out from their own perspective without my advice. 

Incident  2

During visit to the same school following year, one Class 11 student with imposing personality was majorly distressed. Reason, his girl friend had refused kissing after 1½ years of relationship.

My internal dialogue: GF seems clearer about quality relationship; Possesses powerful character to say No risking rejection. BF is overwhelmed by hormonal pressure
After interaction, he admitted gleefully—"I have the best girl friend in the world".
To read both narratives, please access Episodes 2 & 3.

Post Script

Application of Nuggets During NDC.  In addition to few stated already, here is one more; 21 Sep 2016, session with (Ramesh, name changed), widower age 57, rich businessman . Struggle— Bitter relationship with his three children, age 25 to 27. Excerpt:-

Sushant                                   Would you like to share happy days together?

Ramesh                                    'When children were around 10, five of us travelled on scooter and enjoyed spending time together frequently'
Sushant                                   Do you think it was right for you to violate traffic rules? What did the children learn?

Ramesh confessed                  
(Looking flabbergasted)       आपके बताने के बाद मुझे गलती का एहसास हो रहा है। पहले कभी सोचा ही नहीं। (after you've pointed out, I've realized my mistake. I never thought of it)

Demonstrates the Nugget—Significance of Principles

                                                                                                                 To Be Contd…..   


Monday, 2 July 2018



One sultry afternoon in Dehradun, I met 23 year old Ajay (name changed), a serving Army Officer with enviable academic profile. His professional background was striking from his gait & liveliness! That chance meeting evolved into enriching relationship due to his inquisitiveness and focus on self improvement!!

My initiative to strike conversation with Ajay was in line with my hands-on  experience at DYC listening to youth. One significant unease expressed by many—'We never get opportunity to talk about real life issues openly in an enabling and non-judgmental environment'. Recent feedback from an erstwhile member of DYC fraternity would be an apt illustration:- 

'Sushant Sir, you may not remember me but I distinctly do. From Pauri Garhwal with Hindi medium background, I reached Dehradun about 10 yrs ago. I was a regular at DYC and often recall one particular discussion when you asked me — 'What do you wish to do in life?'

Vinay                    Earn lots of money
Sushant                What for?
Vinay                   Buy house, property, swanky cars, travel, enjoy ,...

Sushant              Suppose you become rich and then get cancer   what would you do?  
Expressed his gratitude thus—'I was unable to think of a logical answer! But that question was a turning point in my life as I started thinking differently…..' 

Purposeful Discussions

Ajay evolved powerfully with amazing speed demolishing the walls of conditioning. Seldom have I met someone so young yet so focused. I often felt challenged responding to his insightful perspectives. Remarkable  paradigm shift from Unhealthy to Healthy Sexuality allowed him to share feelings bottled-up since childhood …….!! 

Until 60 I felt too insecure to TALK ABOUT my messy childhood!!

His Confession. Seldom does one get opportunity to read such straight-from-the-heart narrative. Excerpts: 
"I don’t know how to react when feelings/sexual desires arise in my mind. If I try to avoid them, I end up focusing on them even more.
Sometimes I feel that these are because of hormones. I am young and humans are designed by god that these emotions are bound to happen and there is nothing wrong… I end up masturbating most of the time these emotions arise which I feel is a good way to get rid of these hormones/desires without hurting/harming anyone i.e. the opposite sex

 I want to have a rock solid character and I want to be morally right always and every time but this one thing makes me feel weak as I am rarely able to control the urge/change my lustful thoughts and feelings and I chose the easier path i.e. to watch porn/visualise and masturbate to get rid of them. This makes me feel sad every time since I feel that I chose the easier wrong against the harder right(which I am not aware what it is, but there is definitely something better I suppose!). ….

I need to get out of all my fears and inhibitions if I want to pursue my Purpose of Life …… and feel happy from within. ……. I am working on proactivity and ….have realised how reactive I am ……. I know I will have to find my own path and only I can help myself; ………

 P.S: I am feeling so relaxed and calm after writing my heart out"

Change in Life Style

Ajay called up recently to share that he quit smoking and drinking as he no longer felt the urge. This sudden change has befuddled his peers whose understanding of joyous life revolves around trendy but warped catch-phrases disregarding the consequences—Just Do It; Work Hard & Party Harder; We Have Only One Life to Live It Up!!

What Prompted Me to Write?

Soon after the confessional note, Ajay came over. While interacting he made a significant point. This post is in response to that observation:—

'sushant, Although Masturbation is a Huge Issue WITH MALES, It Has Not Been addressed in your Blog Post Healthy Sexuality'!!! 

What is Masturbation('M')

"Masturbation is self-stimulation of the genitals to achieve sexual arousal and pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm (sexual climax). It is commonly done by touching, stroking, or massaging the Penis or Clitoris. Some women also use stimulation of the vagina to masturbate"

Males are more familiar with the word 'मुठमारना'. Girls also know it having heard  'boys-talk'

Is It An Issue with Women?

Until 2015, I thought masturbation was not an issue with women. Candid narrative of hurts and consequences of sexual abuse shared by a 15 year old girl made me wiser. Sharing her choice  to masturbate said—'Around 70 to 80 percent girls masturbate but do not talk about it, unlike the boys'.   

To validate, I interacted with a lady in her 50s. Her spontaneous response—'It was a huge struggle in my teens until I read about it'. Google search revealed, 93 % women  masturbate regularly. 
Is 'M' Healthy?

It is an Inbuilt Safe Mechanism to express Sexual Urge. It is healthy and natural so long one is comfortable and without having to seek help for addictive behavior and/or Obsessive Compulsory Disorder (OCD).  To illustrate:  

  •                One evening at DYC,  14 year old boy (Anil)approached me and shared—'I am not feeling good as I masturbated four times today'. He felt better after baring his heart and working out alternatives— resolved to play tennis more regularly to keep himself physically & mentally occupied
  •                Feedback from student of a high profile residential school for boys:
'My colleague is in to excessive masturbation in that blood oozes out of his prepuce. Though smarting under stress, feels shy of seeking help  in the absence of student-friendly emotional support system,'
Inbuilt Safe Mechanism.  Pituitary Gland or the Master Gland regulates  several physiological process internally to include all functions of Sex Organs be it Libido, Masturbation,  Reproductive System, Sexual Orientation and so on. Notably, M is safe and healthy  so long one is able to manage the pressure of Sexual Urge—Erotic Feelings/Libido. 
Erotic Feelings/Libido. Elements that Trigger libido


1.               Loneliness
2.               Soft/Hard Pornography (Blue Film) 
3.               Sexual Abuse
4.               Titillation— Sex Talk , Female Undergarments,  Cleavage, Voluptuous Figure, Skin Exposure, Seductive Gestures, Nude Images/Sculpture
5.               Sensual Memories
6.               Animals mating

1.               Sexual Abuse
2.               Romantic Stories
3.               Romantic behavior—hug, peck on cheek,  amorous look….
4.               Sensual Memories
5.               Petting
  •         Women dislike projection of male domination in Porn (Blue Film) videos
  •         They find masturbation too cumbersome

Wish I was more aware of females' perspectives and behavior pattern…..???  

Unhealthy Impact of 'Dirty Thing (गंदी बात) Syndrome'

Its influence is overwhelmingly unhealthy  in that almost no one feels comfortable talking about  Masturbation, Body Parts, Sex, Periods, Nocturnal Emission, Orgasm, Pornography, Sexual Orientation, Impotency and so on. Even biology teachers feel shy while teaching the awesome Reproductive System!! Consequences: Unhealthy Sexuality; Disrespect for Women; Appalling Awareness Level; Recurrence of Horrific Sexual Episodes---Sexual Abuse by close relatives including grandpa, Rape, Incest, Teenage  Pregnancy, BDSM and so on.

Appalling Awareness Level.  Children attain Adult/Parenthood loaded with mistaken beliefs & misconceptions. To recap experiences shared by adults/teenagers during many interactions: Guilt Factor after M and Nocturnal Emissions; M Causes Pimples & Black Rings Under Eyes; M by Females Affects Pregnancy; Distorts Shape of Penis; Reduces Semen & Sperm Count, Erectile Dysfunction, Impotence etc. Few real life examples:    
  • Confession of my school mate at 70 plus:—

When Mom caught me masturbating, she warned —'if you do not stop, you will become blind'.  I could not stop but lived with fear of blindness until I discovered the fact….Such lies  affect relationship. 

  •       Narrative of another colleague, 70:-

First experience of Nocturnal Emission was so scary that I ran to my friendly Grandmother. Her input that it happened to all healthy boys was a huge relief.  

Masturbation: Implications

          Negatives.   Risk of becoming addictive and victim of OCD. Waste  time and money  surfing the net & buying  expensive magazine like Playboy, Less time  to Sleep, distractions affecting normal routine and so on.    


Few self explanatory questions would highlight the advantages.  Is it better to M or 

1.                Rape  

2.                Go to a Prostitute

3.                Be a Predacious Pedophile

4.                Lead Promiscuous Life Style

5.                Make unhealthy choices that lead to grave consequences like  MeToo campaign; Court Cases (case in point is that of Dr RK Pauchauri, internationally renowned celebrity)

Among married couples, Masturbation is common to deal with sexual urge for various reasons—busy/neglecting husband or wife is unwell/unwilling, fear of Pain/Pregnancy, mismatch of libido and so on

Example on Apprehension of Pain shared  recently

I had to seek divorce within a year of marriage due to physical incompatibility. Our marriage was not consummated as she was fearful of pain during intercourse. When asked how he satisfied his sexual urge, prompt reply was Masturbation……!        

Masturbation Cycle (Male)

It follows a cyclic pattern like Feelings Cycle in that surge of erotic feelings(How I Feel) leads to Masturbation (How I Behave), followed by Guilt and How Others Respond.  Whether one is penis-centric and/or into excessive M  hinges on the Cooling-off Period, duration of which depends upon: 

Ø  Libido/sex drive

Ø  Inputs thru sense perceptions—what one reads, views, hears, touches….

Ø  Internal clutter due to experiences
Ø  Ability to manage lustful memories

Ø  Emotional NOT Intelligence Quotient  

Expressed in the form of equation:

How I feel (Erotic thought) ---- a---- how I behave (Masturbate) ---- b----  guilt feeling---- c---- how others behave (insensitive comments) ---- d---- more guilt feelings---- e---- Cooling-Off duration depends on ability to manage feelings---- f---- resurgence of erotic feelings---- g---- How I feel/Erotic thought
                        Letters A to G indicate different segments of the cycle

For Graphical Representation see the Model 


Breaking the Masturbation Cycle 

Until the cycle is broken/managed, one runs the risk of becoming addictive and victim of OCD.  'Guilt Feelings' may run riot and cause emotional upheavals with the attended consequences—low self esteem, distractions, procrastination, complexes, irritation, violence, rape, forgetfulness and so on.  

Out of the seven segments (A to g), where and how to break/manage the cycle? At Segment  'a'; How?  Proactive Response—logic driven  response to manage erotic  thoughts/feelings.


While writing this article, I relived memories of the benefits of masturbation in dealing with the fury of hormones on two counts 1)  Messy Childhood 2) Well thought thru decision at 24 to remain Single and Virgin.  Admittedly, on few occasions I felt vulnerable but always remained  conscious of never to cross the लक्ष्मण रेखा. Once I felt extremely vulnerable …. Thereafter, I have been more circumspect in attending close group activities.   
Leading unethical and  promiscuous life style may be enthralling but self-destructive for sure in the long run.  


'Dirty Thing (गंदी बात) Syndrome' is a huge obstacle for adults as well children to discuss multi-dimensional feelings generated due to hormonal effect, in a safe and healthy environment.   I had to endure it for want of options. Situation is no different today!!!

Paradigm shift from Traditional to Quality Parenting/Teaching would enable sons and daughters to grow up with Healthy Sexuality. Thus allowing sons to manage the Masturbation Cycle effectively.