

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

PERSPECTIVE 1 HONOURS AND AWARDS (H & A) Birthday Honour 2015 (My Story)



Hankering and lobbying for awards—National Level to Sports—hit news headlines recently.   It was lucrative opportunity for news barons, eyeing TRP, to hype it adopting ingenious methods. Politicians and articulate speakers, known and unknown, surfaced from nowhere sponsoring eligibility of mortals to include dead and survivors irrespective of the state of health; it is still not clear as to the state of faculties of Atalji, who usually maintained low profile in promoting self.  Whether his approval was taken may remain mystery like several others! 

There was one positive outcome of the competing cacophony. It provided opportunity to silent commoners like me to discover the modus operandi of past awardees conveniently glossing over ineligibility factors!! 

Heart Warming ‘Honour’ bestowed (narrated subsequently) by a teenager on my birthday (12th January),   stirred thoughts to get logical understanding of the purpose of high profile awards that generate so much hot air and unpleasantness. 

Words of Wisdom 

In doing so I recalled few words of wisdom:
a)          Two most crucial things in life other than God and primary needs like oxygen, food, water and so on are Health and Relationship.  Source Ms Devyani.

b)          If my identity depends upon what I possess, what would happen when I lose my possessions?  
c)          Pursue  passion NOT Money Power Status
d)          Spice of life is in cooperation NOT competition. Bye products: Compassion & Empathy
e)          Do your duties without aspiring for results. Bhagwat Gita  
f)           It does not matter how many labels you have or what you do for people. What matters forever is how you make them feel.  

Source Ms Devyani My Young Friend.  More than a decade back she had to return from Gurgaon due to ill health. I think she was working with GE.  While sharing her experiences one day, she was appreciative of the professionalism during induction training at General Electric.  She surprised me with life-learning question—‘what do you think are the two most crucial things in life.  As employees at GE they needed to remember those two aspects?’ I struggled until she educated me. So simple yet so easily glossed over! Seems we take these two things, needing quality  investment,  for granted. 

Purpose of Awards

Armed Forces. Recalling my experiences in army, H & A enjoyed special significance due to its weight age in career advancement. Temptation was so strong that in some instances officers shamelessly succumbed to manipulation. 

Other than Armed Forces.   Elsewhere gaining popularity allows awardees to share their wisdom in public forums and travelling within and outside the country. It continues to be a stepping stone to enter parliament along with the accompanying perquisites.  

Roll of Honour. Names find place in that roll and display of portraits wherever applicable including the Hall of Fame at national/international level.   

Bharat Ratna: Controversy on Dyan Chand. In 1936, this all time great hockey wizard had declined Hitler’s offer to take up German citizenship. I am not sure whether he would have approved this lobbying for Bharat Ratna!  


How purposeful is the purpose of Honours & Awards may be evaluated by reflecting on following real life questions:

1)          Do H & A help in ensuring good health and quality relationship?
2)          Do you remember who won the Nobel prize for physics in 1982
3)          Do you remember who won the Oscar for best actress in 1992?
4)          Do you remember who made a difference in your life? Can you ever forget him/her?  

Heart Warming ‘Honour’-12 Jan 2015 My Birthday  

I have never been comfortable celebrating my birthday. Thankfully, financial constraint did not allow for indulgence in our house. Celebration was limited to seeking blessings and having a favorite item in menu with sweet-dish to boot.   

This year my 18 year old friend arrived carrying unique gift with a difference—plant sapling and handmade Card, soul-stirringly scripted. In her words “I truly am grateful to you Sushant! You gave me a direction in life when I was so lost. You helped me put down all the emotional baggage I was carrying since years. You made me realize my potential and led me to think about my purpose of life, which I’m very glad I’ve figured out so soon.   In such a short span of time, I’ve learned so much from you. I can go on writing about it for several pages honestly. For me, you are no less than God; and I sincerely mean it. I hope you see me grow successful one day. Thank  you for all you’ve given me. I will be grateful eternally”.  
This special moment of honour was free of glamour, noise and publicity. Yet my feelings of gratitude and self-worth skyrocketed  I will value this ‘honour’ forever. Any other man-made label would pale into insignificance 

As a bachelor, I had the company of this ‘peer-educator-in-making’ for nearly 4 hours. How many 75 year olds including those with grandchildren spend such a memorable birthday?   Thanks Anahita.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Sushant!
    I'm glad you liked me coming over. I really enjoyed it.
